Sleep Health

How to Re-energize and Rejuvenate Yourself After Diwali?


Topics: Sleep Health

Festivities are a time for fun and indulgence. And, a big festival like Diwali that goes on for days is an event that calls for non-stop celebration. During Diwali, you do it all, from decoration, shopping, and packing to cleaning and cooking. The night of Diwali is usually reserved for night-long parties and for loading yourself from sugary stuff. But, in the midst of this all, one thing that goes on for a toss is your body.

During Diwali binge, your body works over and above its limit to ensure that all the preparations are on-spot and nothing goes amiss. Most people like to party hard on this occasion and consume oily foods, alcohol, and sugary stuff. The year-long exercising and diet plans get discarded during this event because of which your body takes a big hit. Therefore, it is crucial to detoxify and rest well after the Diwali fun to get back to your healthy lifestyle.


How to re-energize and rejuvenate yourself?

There are various ways to Re-energize and rejuvenate yourself. These techniques can be different for individuals. Taking adequate sleep, eating healthy, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and taking short breaks to relax and meditate can help you re-energize and rejuvenate. Still, here are some common ways to do so in detail:

1. Eating Healthy: Stock up on fruits and veggies

Eating healthy is one of the best and essential way to rejuvenate.  No matter how diet-conscious you are, but during Diwali, you will find yourself overloading your system with alcohol, soda, and junk food. Over-eating this type of food can make you feel bloated and give you constipation. In addition, your body can also start craving essential vitamins, minerals, and fibres by this time. So, to balance things out, what you need to do is to stock up your refrigerator with healthy and nutritional fruits and veggies.

In the post-Diwali days, you should keep your diet light and consume more fruits like oranges, guava, kiwi, apples, and veggies like bell peppers, bottle gourd, sweet potato, tomato, and zucchini. If you get bored of eating these fruits and vegetables as they are, you can also consume them in the form of juices, smoothies, salads, or soup.

2. Get a good night’s sleep

Diwali is a time for socialising and connecting with your friends and family. It is an occasion to celebrate with your loved ones and pay them a visit. But, indulging in these week-long tours can leave your body exhausted. It can make you feel tired and sleepy. Besides, the festivities also disrupt your sleep schedule. This can have a poor effect on your overall health and well-being.

Experts suggest that not getting seven to eight hours of sleep for a prolonged duration can negatively impact your brain and affect concentration, productivity, and concentration. Therefore, peaceful, disturbance-free, healthy sleep is necessary to re-energize your body.

Thus, after Diwali, you should get your beauty sleep. Doing so will work wonders for your body and allow your brain to re-energize and invigorate. Also, while resting, you should turn off your gadgets and gizmos. It will help you in relaxing and catching up on good-quality and undisturbed sleep.


3. Re-start your daily exercising regime

Understandably, you did not have enough time to continue your exercising regime during the Diwali binge. Maybe you had late nights with your friends and could not muster up the energy to wake up early the following day, or you decided to give yourself a break during the Diwali holidays. Whatever it was, now that Diwali is over, it is time for you to re-start exercising.

You can begin with some simple yoga poses and ease back into your exercising regime. Do breathing exercises and uncomplicated yoga postures early in the morning on an empty stomach. It will help you get a refreshing start and contribute to re-energizing your mind, body and soul.

4. Hydrate your body

Consuming junk foods and having alcohol and sodas for liquid can leave your body dehydrated. Therefore, in the post-Diwali days, you should concentrate on replenishing the water content of your body. For this, it is recommended to carry around a water bottle so that you will be reminded of drinking water at regular intervals. You can also infuse freshly cut fruits in your bottle for the best results.

Besides water stores, you also need to restock your system on the ion content. For this, you should include coconut water, juice, herbal tea, and buttermilk in your diet plan. Following this will help your body in recovering fast.

5. Ditch your regular tea

During Diwali, you must have overstepped your quota of regular tea while visiting so many friends and relatives. So, to recoup faster, it is advised to ditch your regular tea for a herbal alternative. You can choose from several options like chamomile tea, ginger tea, oolong tea, or cumin-fennel water. They will help in detoxifying and help with indigestion, management of sugar levels, and weight gain.

6. Meditation

To re-energize and rejuvenate yourself meditation is one of the best option. During festive season, social gatherings and activities can make it challenging to find time for oneself amidst the hustle. So after the festive season you should make time for meditation for at least 15 to 30 minutes.  

Keeping your body healthy and fit must be your top priority on regular days. And, after Diwali fun, it becomes even more crucial to pay attention to its well-being. So, to recover and re-energize your body from the Diwali binge and follow the above tips!


ALSO READ: How Should You Create a Lifestyle for Healthy Sleep?

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