
A Sleep Check A Year Keep the Diabetes Away!

Written by ResMed India | Aug 27, 2021 5:54:00 AM

Sleep Test for Sweet Spot!

Regular sleep is the pathway to a healthy future. 7-8 hours of healthy sleep at night means the body has time to repair itself. This in turn ensures a healthier and happier you.

Unfortunately, millions of people around the world don’t get this desired deep sleep and end up staying awake at night. Psychological factors like work or home-related stress play a key role in sleep deprivation. However, besides psychological stress, there is another silent attacker - Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) that hampers sleep.

Fortunately, thanks to easily available literature and experts talking about it more, people are aware of the adverse effects of OSA. For those who aren’t aware, OSA affects your body in the following way: OSA results in a temporary halt in breathing while a patient is asleep. This is because the muscles that are relaxed obstruct normal breathing. It is also the reason behind people snoring at night. People suffering from OSA end up not breathing for a minimum of five and a maximum of thirty-plus times each night. This leads to a dip in oxygen levels in the blood and the person waking up several times a night gasping for breath.

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According to Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, insufficient sleep has been linked to several chronic lifestyle disorders such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. Research indicates that sleep apnea and diabetes are related, with the prevalence of diabetes being 15 to 30 percent higher in OSA patients than in people without OSA. This is more seen in males, aged between 30 and 69 years.

Studies suggest that patients with sleep apnea may end up having insulin resistance. Obstructive sleep apnea increases blood sugar levels due to oxidative stress associated with poor quality and quantity of sleep. This oxidative stress leads to insulin resistance, impaired glucose metabolism, and chronic inflammation of insulin-producing beta-cells leading to Type2 diabetes mellitus in long run.

If you are or have a partner or a loved one who has trouble sleeping at night, then it is recommended that you conduct a sleep assessment test to understand if you have obstructive sleep apnea. There are several benefits from treating OSA over other conditions, as treating OSA will ensure that your body gets the rest and oxygen it deserves. If the body is constantly at work, then it gets tired, resulting in all the above-mentioned health conditions, including Type 2 diabetes.

Studies show that CPAP treatment for OSA may improve glycaemic control and decrease insulin resistance and thus improve diabetic conditions of patients. So if you or a loved one is living with diabetes, it’s good to check for sleep apnea. You can take a Home Sleep Test or onesleeptest (a disposable/low touch device, designed especially considering the current pandemic) to determine if you have sleep apnea. Based on the results of your test, following CPAP therapy can help you regain a good night’s sleep, and have a positive impact on controlling blood sugar levels.


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